
Supervisor of PhD projects and post-doctoral researchers

Ongoing PhD projects

Concluded PhD projects

  • Kristof Thys (2015), Should minors and young adults quality as potential living kidney donors? An ethical analysis of the arguments in favour and against
  • Sandra Janssens (2016), Carrier screening for heritable disorders. Views on implementation
  • Hélène Nobile (2017), Decision to participate in cohort studies with biobanks: an empirical-ethical investigation
  • Mahsa Shabani (2017) , Governance of genomic data access for research purposes
  • Louiza Kalokairinou (2017), Ethical and legal aspects of direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Europe
  • Davit Chokoshvili (2018), Expanded carrier screening for monogenic disorders: an interdisciplinary inquiry

Post-doctoral scholars