Supervisor of PhD projects and post-doctoral researchers
Ongoing PhD projects
- Evan Van Steijvoort, Expanded carrier screening in Belgium: evaluation of a test-offer in a reproductive context
- Thijs Devriendt, Data sharing in biomedical sciences: Incentive policies and data governance models
- Amicia Phillips, To tell of not to tell: ethical and practical challenges of communicating genetic information to family members
- Janneke Kuiper, Next generation DNA sequencing. Socio-ethical analysis of standardiztion in decision and communication patters of test results
- Evelien De Sutter, Electronic Personalized informed consent
- Maria Siermann, Polygenic risk scores in preimplantation genetic testing (PGP-P): stakeholder perspectives and ethical challenges
- Zoë Claesen, Emerging challenges of expanding NIPT: a guiding ethical framework
- Kamiel Verbeke, Use of deception in research: ethical aspects
Concluded PhD projects
- Kristof Thys (2015), Should minors and young adults quality as potential living kidney donors? An ethical analysis of the arguments in favour and against
- Sandra Janssens (2016), Carrier screening for heritable disorders. Views on implementation
- Hélène Nobile (2017), Decision to participate in cohort studies with biobanks: an empirical-ethical investigation
- Mahsa Shabani (2017) , Governance of genomic data access for research purposes
- Louiza Kalokairinou (2017), Ethical and legal aspects of direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Europe
- Davit Chokoshvili (2018), Expanded carrier screening for monogenic disorders: an interdisciplinary inquiry
Post-doctoral scholars
- Heidi C. Howard (2008-2011), Danya Vears (2015-2019), Mahsa Shabani (2017-2019), Davit Chokoshvili (2018-2019), Virginia Sanchini (2018-2022), Laurent Pasquier (2020-2021)